
How to adjust your retirement plans as life changes

July 24, 2024
How to adjust your retirement plans as life changes
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At LifeBanking, we emphasize the significance of assessing your goals and plans to ensure flexibility and adaptability as circumstances evolve. This applies to your retirement plans, too. Over time, your lifestyle preferences, health status, and financial landscape will change. What seemed essential at the beginning of retirement might become less so, and new priorities may emerge.

For instance, you might decide to downsize your home, relocate to a different city, or travel more extensively than you initially planned. Health considerations could also shift, thus requiring changes in how you allocate resources for medical care.

Here’s a quick guide for how you can do your regular check-ins to make sure your plans remain aligned with your financial goals for retirement.

Annual financial review

Make it a habit to review your investment portfolio, savings, and spending every year. This review should assess whether your current financial strategy still supports your lifestyle and goals. Look at the performance of your investments and consider rebalancing to ensure alignment with your risk tolerance and time horizon.

Reassess your living expenses

Changes in your day-to-day living costs can impact your retirement budget. Regularly updating your budget to reflect current expenses will help you avoid overspending and ensure your savings last.

Also read: Retirement Planning Tips: Things Folks Wished They Considered

Update your estate plans

Life events such as the birth of a grandchild, marriage, or the loss of a loved one necessitate updates to your estate plan. Keeping your will, trusts, and beneficiary designations up to date ensures your wishes are honored and your legacy is secured.

Also read: An Intro to Estate Planning: What You Need To Know About Taxes

Evaluate your health insurance and care needs

As you age, your healthcare needs will likely increase. Review your health insurance coverage annually to ensure it meets your needs, especially if you have or are considering long-term care insurance.

Stay informed about tax changes

Tax laws can significantly impact your retirement savings and income. Stay informed about any changes and consult with a tax professional to understand how new laws may affect your retirement strategy.

Regular check-ins and adjustments ensure that your retirement strategy remains robust, flexible, and tailored to your evolving life. The goal of retirement planning is to support your journey toward a fulfilling and secure retirement, allowing you to enjoy this chapter of your life with peace and independence. Learn more about how you can plan:

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