
Last Will: Interesting Requests and How to Make One

February 21, 2024
Last Will: Interesting Requests and How to Make One
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As you may already know, a last will is a legal document that expresses a person’s wishes regarding their property and assets after they die as part of their estate planning. While many think that it’s a document reserved for the ultra-wealthy, it’s actually helpful if only to avoid disputes among heirs when the time comes, and save beneficiaries some money on inheritance taxes.

Often, it’s a straightforward distribution of assets, properties, and maybe some sentimental heirlooms. But you can also put more than that. It is, after all, your list of final wishes. Here are a few interesting and strange will requests in the Philippines and how to make a last will.

Interesting Last Will Requests


Inheritance of the living variety

Pets hold a special place in our hearts, and some individuals choose to ensure their furry friends are well taken care of after their passing. In their last wills, people have left detailed instructions for the care, maintenance, and even the allocation of substantial funds to guarantee the comfort and happiness of their cherished pets.

Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, who passed away at 85 in 2019, famously left a portion of his $USD195 million fortune to the care of his beloved cat, Choupette.


Inheritance of the charitable variety

Philanthropy is a powerful way to leave a lasting impact on the world, and many individuals choose to extend their charitable pursuits even after their passing. People have bequeathed substantial sums of money, properties, or even established charitable foundations in their last wills. These selfless gestures continue to support causes close to their hearts, leaving a legacy that transcends generations.

But it doesn’t have to be in the millions, or in the form of a hospital wing. Some testators have left certain collections like books, equipment, and even clothes to charitable causes and beneficiaries.


Inheritance of the experiential variety

For those looking to make an impact beyond material possessions, extraordinary experiences can be a part of their final wishes. Some individuals have left instructions for their loved ones to go on once-in-alifetime adventures or indulge in luxury vacations as a way of celebrating their life and creating lasting memories.

How to write a last will

Here are the steps to make a last will:

  1. Assess if you need a simple will that you can write on your own or need the help of a lawyer.
  2. List down all your assets, from properties to personal items. Choose who among your family and/or friends, as well as charities, will receive each item. Be specific so there’s no confusion!
  3. Write down other requests, including funeral arrangements, if any. Likewise, appoint the legal guardian of minor children or pets.
  4. Designate an executor who will read and carry out your last will and testament.
  5. Sign the last will and testament along with two witnesses. Have it notarized.
  6. Inform the executor where to find the document when the time comes.
  7. Update your last will and testament whenever a major change occurs in your life.

Start writing your last will

Our last will allows us to have a say in what happens to our hard-earned assets and leave behind a lasting legacy reflecting your unique character and passions. No matter how much or how little you feel you own, it’s important to make a last will ready to guide your loved ones on how to manage your assets and guarantee that your wishes are carried out accordingly. Click here to learn how Life Insurance can help manage the eventual transfer of your estate.

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